Monday, July 5, 2010

Random Advice

A woman I know invited me to see a psychic with her. Cue the dramatic music, someone, please?

Now I don't really but too much stock in what psychics say. I see a whole bunch of crazy people who could probably give me better advice (flashback to a tarot reading in high school where the man told me I would be a doctor, and also a flashback to a time three years ago when an insane person told me I would marry a british man.. you decide who was more accurate) walking freely down the streets of Chicago. Granted, they smell a lot worse but a few bucks for crack or alcohol or a meal makes more sense to me than doling out dollars for some theatrical production of a lady with bad hair droning on and on about some big enlightenment about to head my way. I'd rather spend the money on some crazy core Skittles (have you tried those? FUCKING AMAZING). Thhhhaaaaaat being said, I don't automatically discount things that psychics say. I do have a deep respect and understanding that there are things in this world that even my huge brain can't comprehend, so if someone seems on the up and up, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

I suppose I should have been more suspicious about a psychic running her show out of her home. But this in fact, made me immediately feel at ease. She gave my friend a reading first, touching on the subjects of love, life, and a general sense of well being for her in the near future. My friend seemed happy, so I decided to give it a go. She mentioned immediately a creative project I had that seemed to be stuck in a stalemate. And that perhaps it would benefit me to start something fresh, as a complete aside to it. I tried to remain stoic but I have to confess I was pretty intrigued as she hit that nail on the head. She also mentioned that I, in fact, was already aware of this, and that I just hadn't taken the first step. Okay, hit number two. Thirdly, she mentioned a bit of an emotional wound I carried with me, and that I really knew deep down, everything regarding that would be alright. Hmm.. so perhaps she was onto things. Maybe I need to see her again. Maybe the stuff she said about the wounds.. well.. I'm not quite sure I'm ready to let go of that so easily yet (who would be, in my position?) but I do know that for now, I'll write.

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