Monday, June 28, 2010

LA Woman, Sunday Afternoon

I need a vacation after my vacation.

You ever feel that way?

I suppose now you may think it was a hectic/frantic/tense time. Just the opposite. My trip to Los Angeles was filled with self-indulgence, relaxation and tons of fun with some pretty fantastic people. However this trip did bring about a lot of learning experiences.

First things first. I know everyone wants to hear solely about how Eclipse was, but I honestly feel like waxing about my trip. Skim through it and skip to the good parts, if you want.

My flight left pretty late at night. I wanted Z to be able to sleep on the plane, so around his bedtime we headed off on a flight to LAX. Luck would have it that I had an empty row, so I did not need to put up with the typical late night flyers: groping business man, crying lady, and or rowdy college kids. The flight was painless, and we left a humid and mosquito plagued Chicago for a breezy and warm Los Angeles.

Okay.. so I've always managed to remain less excitable than a cocker spaniel, but I'm not going to lie. I was super amped to see my boyfriend. He picked us up from the airport (thankfully, no flowers. If he brought flowers, I would have dumped him. Real talk) and we headed off to our hotel. We stayed at The Marriot at LA Live, and I really need to find their decorator. Loveloveloved the room. Z promptly knocked out so boyfriend and I spent some fancypants time watching Charles Bronson rock his stache in Death Wish 4829. Fell asleep. I know, interesting, right?

Day 2. Pretty much opted to relax as much as possible. We drove down to Hermosa Beach and basically spent the afternoon lolling in the sun. My boyfriend, sweet man that he is, bought me a box of Sprinkles cupcakes (chocolate coconut, black and white, and key lime, if you must know) which I quickly realized are not the best beach food but yet the quickest way to solidify a place in my heart. Got a little sunburnt, a little sand in places I don't like sand to be, and had a nap while the boys stayed in the water. Back to the hotel for a shower, had a quick dinner with some friends. Nothing too interesting. Well, a lot of interesting things, but nothing you all would be interested in.

Day 3. Premiere day. Okay, I should mention that it gave me complete anxiety to see those poor souls in the Eclipse Tent City outside of the Nokia Theatre. I was honestly perplexed at how they could sleep on the street in tents just to get a glimpse of the actors/actresses. And walking by them seemed a bit frightening as a lot had this weird village of the damned glazed eye look. Not exactly my cup of tea. Anyhow. I had for the past few months planned to wear an adorable Phoebe Couture by Kay Unger dress and a pair of nude Louboutins, however I had a last minute dress change as a quick shopping trip brought me to this amazing Herve Leger cap-sleeved little black dress. Not even going to lie, angels sang and the divine light shined down as I saw it. Same shoes though, and a bit of understated jewelry that boyfriend brought me when he was last in Europe. So we spent a mostly relaxing day, went out to lunch with friends, and struggled to get boyfriend in a gorgeous Brioni suit. We both felt silly and would have rather been in jeans and tshirts, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Dropped Z off with his favorite sitter and headed over to the madness. Perk up your eyes, kiddos. This is where things get interesting for you.

First and foremost. Twilight fans are insane. Not in a "hee hee, i love twilight" type insanity. I mean in a "I WILL FUCKING LICK YOUR FACE TO TEST YOUR PROXIMITY TO THE ACTORS IN THIS MOVIE" type of way. Seriously scary. The excitement in the air was palpable, and my morbid mind looked out to the crowd and wondered just how many of those people were capable of riot type violence. Pretty creepy/funny to think that hordes of girls-women were the cause of all the security and police. However I can't lie, their enthusiasm and excitement is definitely catching. Went into the theatre, waited for the movie. Had some pretty fantastic seats. Lots of details I won't go into. It was a little cold in there. the movie.

I would like to thank David Slade for getting Eclipse right. CH set a good basis for the saga, and CW sort of over-did everything. I mean, to be fair the story is about teenagers. But MR really doused it with some cheesy dialogue. But then again, this isn't Oscar caliber and I feel like the action sequences definitely made up for it. Break out of the movie? Xavier Samuel. Not only is the guy absolutely gorgeous, but he really brings depth to a character we didn't get the pleasure of knowing in the books. If people start touting "Team Newborn", I will not be surprised at all. Kristen Stewart played a much more assured Bella, regardless of the fact that this time around Bella is "choosing" for lack of a better word, between two guys she loves in such different ways. This is the Bella I always wanted to see, and KStew totally brought it this time. The wolfpack again, really brought the camaraderie and while they aren't necessarily the best of actors, they really convey the brotherhood that I think is needed to pull off something of that magnitude. Taylor is really showing that he has grown as an actor, such a big change from the scrawny long haired dude chomping on red vines on the beach. Bryce Dallas Howard... now, I know a lot of people really weren't fans of her coming in. But she was, in my opinion, a better Victoria than Rachelle. Don't get me wrong; I really am a fan of Rachelle, however Bryce more closely resembled the Victoria I had in my mind when I read the books. Robert was fantastic, and really brought some more depth to Edward that we lacked in Twilight and New Moon. Still making those Eddie Needs more Fiber faces, but I suppose when you are a zillion year old vampire who can't bang your girlfriend, I guess you get a free pass to make as many faces as you want. All the interaction between Edward and Taylor were really well played. Final battle was fantastic, the effects were really spectacular and seemed less puppyish than in New Moon. And the soundtrack... ohhhhhhhhh. My absolute favorite part of everything. It fit beyond perfectly. Beyond. As usual, the humans bring a lot of comic relief that's often needed in tense situations.

Now I know a lot of people want to know how the backstories went, as in Eclipse we get not only Rosalie's, but also Jasper's. Without giving away any spoilers I will say that both were compelling, and Jackson gets some serious credit for really bringing Jasper to what I always saw of him in the books. However.. wigs? Makeup? Not necessarily the best. But tons and TONS better than the Eva Gabor wig they punished him with in New Moon.

All around, for SURE the best of the saga. Am I relieved that there will be a larger break between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn 1? Yes. Did I have a blast at the after party? Indeed. Did I, in typical Sumara fashion, lose my shoes? I did. However they were salvaged the next day, after I had apparently surreptitiously hidden them under a friend's bed. Was the rest of my LA trip amazing? Probably the best ever. I really learned to love my boyfriend all over again. But I'll save you the sordid details for now. Maybe I'll rehash it in a few days when I'm a lot less groggy and a lot more winesoaked.

Ciao for now,



Sam said...

Wow, i have so many questions but i know they are unanswered on purpose! I will admit im a little bit jealous. Not only of your holiday, the fact you went to the premier but THE SHOES!!! Little it sex and the city lifestyle... Cant wait to learn more about you sumi k :D

Onto the Eclipse thing...

Firstly, makeup and wigs were TERRIBLE. And what was with Bellas eye brows? I just couldnt get past it! I think i expected too much of this movie (I just LOVED New Moon) and i think i was a wee bit disapointed. (plus i felt like i was going to vomit half the movie, no idea why i think i ate something bad) I'm going again tomorrow night, and i think i will like it more the second time.

I didnt like new Victoria, Riley was a doll, Jacob looked amazing as usual, the bit with Bella and her Mum tugged at my heart strings, the tent scene was great, and the first scene unbelieveable, I felt a little arkward in the love scenes- but i think we were meant to?

I've gone overboard with this comment, ill stop now!

Sumi K said...

LOL the makeup and wigs.. don't even get me started. i don't get it! these are all attractive people! why make them look so ridiculous!!!

Anonymous said...

great blog hun. loved that entry. seems like you had a really great time. glad you did so. hope you get to see your boyfriend again soon or that he got to come home with you :)

the makeup was very basic this time, i kinda liked it better that way :) lol

bella's wig didn't bother me that much, just a few times i didn't like it but all around it was great.

loved the backstories, they were perfect!!

you are totally right, this was the best one and we know we don't have to say "yet" since we know it will be better than BD, lol.

i am with you there, i am glad that there is a big break until BD Pt.1, gives a chance to focus on other things, lol

will definitely be bookmarking this blog :)